By utilizing Con-Arch in place of other conventional bridge and culvert construction, clients experience significant cost savings with no corresponding loss in quality, integrity or timing. Cost savings range from 10% to 20% or more, over competitive construction technologies.
Arch structural sections work in conjunction with surrounding soil to carry imposed loads. This natural advantage of the arch geometry paired with the Con-Arch integrated design/build process allows for the most structurally efficient section possible for a given amount of material. The Con-Arch design team will solve a specific engineering problem at the lowest possible cost in terms of labor, material and time.
The highly efficient Con-Arch system of forming, placing concrete, and backfill will result in significant timesaving over alternative construction methodology. When employing Con-Arch technology, open excavations may be backfilled within 48 hours--much less time than required for box culvert construction, where excavations may be required to remain open for 7 to 28 days. When working under roadways, Con-Arch structures may be constructed in phases, eliminating the need for costly traffic rerouting.
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